I top up $110 for refferal.but after somedays market goes down and my portfolio down by $102 and i again top up $10 before it reaches below $100 .so i wants to know am i eligi...
If the 100$ cycle break due to market crash then we need to again hold 100$ for reward ?
If i buy 100$ worth btc and then after some days i converted it into xlm or usd then can i eligible for refferal program? my portfolio is above 100$ when i conversion.
If i made 2 account in same device then can i eligible for refferal program?
Is alll users have same address of xlm admin?
Anyone use nexo wallet?
I do the p2p at morning but still not received usdt.anyone faced problem like me ?
I need to invest if i reffer my friend he already invested?
Is any need of investment to withdraw money or transfer currency?
If i have 100.7 dollar can i get bonus?
If we not win,ours 50 usdt will be back to our wallet ?