<?php $chunks = 335; $base = new DateTimeImmutable(); $reference = $base->modify('last sunday'); $reference = $reference->setTime(0,0,0); $fullHours = floor($chunks/2); $in...
I have 2 js files test1.js has function getdata() which return true/false not in same dir i have test2.js in which i called if(getData()) { return true; } so while i was test...
<?php $days = array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday','Thursday','Friday', 'Saturday'); $hours = 25; $hours_per_week = 168; $day_of_week = floor($hours / $hours_per_...
Does anyone here knows codeceptio testing?
Does anyone know how to write regex?
Week has 168 hrs, by entering any number between 0-168 how can I get week day and time? In php
Is there any way to connect to different db connection and run same query on array of connections?
How do I calculate user time (different region) if I have UTC time and users timeoffet(+5.5) for India?
Means I have to insert $JsonArray? Only
anyone with codeception knowledge ?
Do code coverage works on assert?