$chatId=xxxxxxxxxx; $document=urlencode("https://http.txt"); $botToken = "token"; $webSite = "https://api.telegram.org/bot" . $botToken; $url = $webSite. "/sendDocument"; $c...
Is there any function to run a script everyday at a specific time?
My telegram bot hosted on dreamhost and not working but the same code working on interserver hosting... Anyone know what's the problem?
Na na I am trying to say if I can store value of time() in a string so that I can use it in everywhere na? In the sane code
Anyways you know how to send a message with inline keyboard referring to a external url from telegram bot?
I want to extract all words containing "@" character from a long string... How to do that in php?
And btw I want to send message to user as text with a inline button referring to external link?
How to know if user on my bot joined my channel or not? In order to use my bot (telegram)
We can use time() function without adding any function code?
Means I cannot download any file and store in a folder?
Any free fastest hosting to host telegram bots?
Why they don't allow telegram bot hosting?
Is this group made to help or is it useless?
Anyone here ever worked on telegram bots?
Can I host telegram bot on heroku?
Is your proxy working?
Can I dm you bro?
No issue na??