Reduce is meant to output a single value. You're going to have a problem if there are more than one objects with the same second highest salary value. But if that's not your c...
Alright I think now it's a bit easier on the eyes. Now the sidebar, need consistent capitalisation, same for the button texts, as well as consistent padding between the text a...
Hi I have an architectural design question about physics engine in a multiplayer game. Which data should you store? just the action (for example a player jumps, and let the cl...
Also since it's tied to user accounts, why not use that as the authentication instead? (server side)
<?php $len = count($wo['db']['weapons']); if ($len > 1): for($i = 1; $i < $len; $i++): ?> <div> <input type='text' name='weapons[]'/> </div> <?php endfor...
Try this?
<?php $v = number_format(10/4, 1, '.', ''); echo $v; ?>
<?php $v = number_format(floatval(file_get_contents($url)), 2, '.', ''); echo $v; ?>
Are you looking to build the tool or use the tool? If using: Microsoft Office like Microsoft Excel / Microsoft PowerPoint + PrintScreen Online tools like: https://www.onlin...
Can you explain the whole workflow of what you're trying to achieve here?
C# you say? How do you make it available for MacOS too then?
Alright. Take it from the top. Assuming the table data is from a database, is it fetching correctly? You can test that first through var_dump() or print_r()
So microservices would be your choice to handle it?
Would you say it's something worth using for JS?
$x = count($a); $x > 1 ? echo $x : '';
Your PHP code, is it inline?
What's your $no value here?
What's arr.add()? And what do you mean runtime only? Also just pass it into the class instance as a method argument
Do you want the content inside .ratingContainer to move to the right or the element of .ratingContainer itself?
What's the $url?