Keep it 'B', but do bArr[i2] = num + 128 instead of bArr[i2] = num What's the output then?
So there's a file which you can access through HTTP?
You can use js from external domain?
What? foo.a is the only way. The ['a'] thing would only work for a dictionary.
Which terminal emulator and shell you guys prefer?
What is your definition of arrays being equal?
That public function is on their client side is?
What's this? Looks like a rip off of Brainfuck
Are [1, 2, 3] and [1, 3, 2] equal?
Is your JS included in head?
Can't you just copy that function?
That online JS is backend API?
You're using that on client?
Is list.sort stable sort?
Wtf. Can you show code?
When is that txt file?
Code after return?
Didn't work?