What's the best text editor for you guys?
What percentage of PHP devs use Object-Oriented programming?
Oh, interesting Can you give a few other arguments for JavaScript's superiority?
Can someone give me a good book on computer science in general?
Does anyone here use the MySQL Workbench programm?
is godaddy too bad of a service?
Just found this, and it looks great, i'll be watching this for now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L54ThPKvgWk
$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); is this neccesary in my try satement?
Does the new hashing algorithm automatically salt the passwords in PHP?
Also how to convert .epub to PDF? I used online tools but they failed
Or if you don't have an answer, do you use OOP?
Can I forward it from somewhere else?
Are you agreeing with me?
Why do people hate on Atom?
How has it been so far?
will it lose quality?
So half of them?