Hi guys, I have a silly question, I have seen a lot of Xamarin projects with the API in the same solutions, does it help more than just have all projects grouped?
I think EF translate The groupby method to a query, so at The would be The same, wouldn't be?
Hi guys, question, does someone know why a WFC service works on IIS Express (debugging) but in the IIS returns 404 httpHandlerSomething?
Hi guys, has anyone worked with devexpress xamarin grid ? I am using 17.1.2 and when grouping it doesnt allow me to sort for a column
Helo guys, someone can help me how I can debug using dnSpy and VS? Is that possible?
Someone? 😭
yo have telegram en your computer why you didn't send screenshots ? lol
got it, so, why don't you start with free app markets ?
you read the file name and put it in a label (?)
appcenter.ms ?
Do you have it?
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