Anyone downloaded? Please share Today free book is out! Building RESTful Python Web Services
Suppose I have an array: array1 = array([(0, 4), (1, 6)], dtype=object) Is there any direct way in numpy to access the first value of each tuple? i.e. 0 and 1.
Someone is asking me for a suggestion to learn something from React/Vue/Angular. Which one would you recommend for a complete beginner?
So you are afraid GitHub will remove it?
This particular question has been asked many times here too and answered by many. So one can search the group too. Ok now?
Which debugger do you plan to use that will run on specific port and how will you integrate with your script?
I don't see any difference. Just write that breakpoint in the python script and what else do you need?
how much WPM?
Is anyone allowed to forward a post from their channel if it's related to python? Then let me know
Any guide would you prefer that's easier to start with?
Why did they even start making data science/ML libs for Python?
Will it be a good place to ask question about numpy?
What benefits will be there after being at the first place?
What is not allowed? Image, link or forwarding?
Telepot or twx.botapi or python-telegram-bot ???
Any recommendations for Python bot api for telegram?
Shouldn't you have some margin around text?
Can't you use Python debugger?
So you moved more than 2 sticks in total?
Is bottom stick necessary for 9?