look i have all the fany lists but they dont block pornhub shit ads still and the ads are boring like dick largening ads or just a girl with a coutnry IP flag that says u wann...
tell me about it....if u wanna teach a 5 year old....what language do u choose to make the 5yo get engaged?
has anyone experienced the latest version of Firefox quantum always starts minimized? even when u maximize it. ...& whats the keyboard shortcut for "all history" on the lates...
i wish...i were....can u help me to get ma ass in gear & code? x)) i need an intractive luring way to start python or some ez mathless language xD been wanting to code for y...
hmmmm is it that easy to just learn it from 20 videos?
so what are good fun sources u know? what about C# ?
have u listened to his ALBUM!? X))))))
yeah that seems the approach these days....& i guess it majes quick money... but what base does it need?
hmmmm HTML dsnt have any kind of math does it? and what can i do with it longterm....websites?
did u do it? just scroll fast on ma msgs from today... & see what i want... & if u can help
nice human controlled bot xD it detected me "spamming" like 30min too late.....right?
ur soooooOooo kind sir.....ill be ur wing man...wanna meet Irani women?
how can u? any intresting & intractive but a wall of text or a book?
hahah xD well .........how do u see it? XD
have u been reading any of ma msgs even? XD
greatest of the series. what class?
hmmm how can u compare java with python?
btw did u know ur name means pious ?XD
have u lisetened to evoken?