I have a really basic question: What determines the value of one LP token?
Do you think it's safe lol?
@SeverMM First off, thank you and the team for your constant efforts and updates. I have one question but I don't know if it can be answered atm: At what rate are rewards accu...
At what rate?
Guys why do random people with asian girl pfps messaging me? What's the trap?
No keystore or anything?
Sorry for the dumb question: are the fees for reinvesting proportional to the amount reinvested? And how about harvesting?
According to my calculations you have the fortune of $22.3M USD staked? Dayum. Dassa lotta muneh
Yeah I know that lol, but how do they scam you?
Isn't there an option to only allow contacts?
The bot isn't on this group?