any plans on listing??
Quick question.. what's this 100000% pump that people were talking about earlier? Speculation or is there an actual plan?
I heard there was a way to take permission away from unwanted tokens in your wallet, anyone know how to do that?
What kind of marketing has been done for babydoge? I bet a live billboard in New York and other places would help
so, anyone know why there were people saying there will be a 100k% to 10mil% pump tomorrow? seems like just a rumor now..
where can we see the list of banned words??
is babydoge going to be listed on binance?
whats the bsc contract?
Any plans to list BDC?
I keep getting messaged by "SUPPORT BABYDOGE" is that real or should i block?
are holder rewards automatically distributed or do you have to claim them?
its listed on binance??