I have come accross this sentence in a book: "The style object offers information about the style attribute on any element that supports it but contains no information about t...
I can't wrap my head around the following issue: i have this form: <form> <input type='radio' id='ur' name='selectedLang'/> <label for="ur">Uyghur</label><br> <input ...
I have written an algorithm for "Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array" challenge on leetcode. I ran the code on google dev tools and nothing was wrong. But leetcode says it is....
Hi! I am having a trouble with my react quiz app. Here follows the description: This is from App.js file: App.js As can be seen it is a conditional rendering: a Modal windo...
Hello! I am trying to create a homepage resembling this one. But the problem is, my image is too big, so the scrollbars appear. Image resolution is 1920x1280 and mine screen i...
Hi! I have 1 question about React render method: inside my App.js file, I have this code: return ( <QuizContextProvider> { (createQuiz) ? ( <div></div>...
Hi! I need your advice. I am working with word documents. I copy and paste into another file and then change the name of the company name to ours. I also do formatting, this i...
I am having "syntaxerror missing catch or finally after try while compiling" here under <!-- Main Content --> on line 27 (i guess) in ejs file. Can smo point out why? It seems...
Hi! I am working on my react app. I have a button, when I click it, it logs all the children elements of the parent node of the button by this code: console.log(e.target.pare...
hi! I am having yet another problem with codepen. It seems like window.onload is not working. Why it is not running the code at line 48? https://codepen.io/user_jacob/pen/poyq...
I have this object: function Rabbit(name) { this.name = name; alert(name); } When I type: Rabbit.prototype.constructor==Rabbit It evaluates to true So I think th...
Hello! I am fetching from News Api in my react project and setting the setNews hook in useEffect. But console shows that news is still an empty string. Why setNews is no worki...
I am working on a todo app project. It's far from complete as there are several missing functionalities. 1 problem is: when pressing enter, it doesn't add a task, though I hav...
getData(key: string, def?: any): any { if (this.data == null) { this.data = Object.create(null); } let val = this.data[key]; if (val === undefined && d...
Can smo point out why I am getting SyntaxError here: https://codepen.io/user_jacob/pen/oNxJxOx?editors=1010? Everything seems to be in correct syntax, though.
I have this <li> element below. I want to get the inner text with the following code: let val = event.target.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('p').textContent; console.log(v...
Hi! Can smo point out why canvas API is not working: https://codepen.io/user_jacob/pen/GRZBBqa?editors=1010?
What do you think, should I, as a beginner, start my first contribution to open source with Babel js. Is it feasible? Or should I get started with frameworks like React JS, or...
Can s/b point out my mistake in this project here. If you reload and add some tasks to the list, some of them willk be lost after the next reload of the page. I wonder what's ...
Hello! The picture is about the lexical environment of javascript. Why is counter undefined? Could someone explain?