Create a View Model class which inherits your data source class. To this viewModel class add a new string property SpinOrElement We could also simply add that property to you...
Then the second thing will be lauching the program in mahine B from your socket program. I got 2 questions: 1) Which type of socket program is that ? Winform or Windows servi...
Question : do you really need #NNNN, you could directly use the time(with milliseconds) . Why not?? I don't understand when you say "how unique". You increment the last gener...
May is due to the fact that when your app is activated the program selected text donot more have focus 🤔 Did you tried in another app having a text field apart from notepad ??
Yeah is remoti'g. Actually that's what you want to do right?? Start program of computer B from computer A knowing that program of computer B is not running. Right??
🤔 More explanation please. Are both computers (the one from which you want to launch the program and the one in which the program is) communicating via sockets?
I don't understand. By run you mean start? You want to start a program that is already started?? Or you to tell the other program to start a specific process??
Blazor framework. What are your opinions??
Please describe the context. What do you want to do ? What are your constraints and Why can't you do it ?
Using which tech?? Is it a desktop app?
Wpf or Uwp?
With as many funcs and powerful as ramda ?
Who launches the external program and where is the external program found?
Asp. Net ?? Wpf ?? Winform ?? uwp ??
Do your windows service user has read and write access on file ??
Why not simply using type of ?
Socket base or tcp ip communication ? ?
So you are using winform??
Which tech?? Winform?? Wpf?? Asp ??