————————————————————————————— hi guys today i want to talk a little about the way I've just founded to simplify css drawing wi...
guys what's the most important things in js should i learn and can you give me tips to boost my learning?
hi guys, I have a very weird question which is not related to this group but I thought someone could help me to find the answer I decided to leave my country but I need to kn...
hi guys, I can't get the value from a dynamic HTML element with a piece of code below var x = document.querySleector('.class').textContent is there any problem with that?
another question but it is really silly to ask is there any chance to become a front end developer in age of 30s? sorry guys for my nonsense question
guys, i need some helping to guide me better in my career as a person who loves writing and teaching people, i want to become a great writer in my career i mean writing for...
guys is it possible to learn js in 6 month with 8 hours practicing everyday?
hi guys let's talk a little about using headings correctly in a better way we all know much about using 6 levels of headings in HTML documents but have you ever consider...
is this something you want to show me?
guys do you even consider that accessibility is depended on the way of your content is organized how your application is serving your costumers always ask yourself, what kin...
guys, I'm a super beginner in javascript and I'm frustrated with learning do you have any better resources for learning javascript? and how long does it take to become a sol...
guys is anyone can explain the advantage of custom data attribute in html ? what we can do with data-* in javascript much i know custom attribute can make a solid informat...
like it?
guys i don't have an iphone is anyone can test this example in safari browser? tip: you should see this input border as pink color
so you believe it's not late for me?
guys how to make this kind of text style in editor is there any tutorial for making this kind of text style?
guys, does anyone know about how to implement a domain name for apache localhost?
guys, is there any programmer in this room which start this career at the age of 30?
guys, do you think we need description for `alt`attribute for those images in picture?