so there's no one place where a human could familiarize themselves with the object's structure without debugging?
firstly: use or or similar to share code. regarding your problem: do you have a composer setup with registered namespaces?
can i reassign a class method in js? o.O
return canUserEditModel(user, model) ? {someClassName: true} : {someClassName: false} gets ugly fast. but this is also a stupid example.
ah the file they have there for documentation is the actual default configuration? nice!
which runs in the browser? haskell can compile to webassembly, but who wants to use that?
just wanted to say - this works neither with typehints nor with typescript, right?
who can you learn english? or are you looking for resources in your language?
can someone tell me where i can find webpack 4's default config file?
what if you're building an api that should have a consistent interface?
have you added the namespace App\Models to your composer.json?
how would you define data structures in js? typescript interfaces?
you mean using ternary with newlines at problematic places?
i thought selfpromotion was ok as long as it's in english?
f g x doesn't work as intended in ruby either, does it?
start value for the reduce? so that y=0 will return 1?
also sinatra was the one "catcalling" muthu, right?
sooo... how to report someone to the devs admins? 😂
or are you talking about a public api?