Why would you have a minimum if they want all tokens involved?
What's next for quant updates?
What leak are people talking about?
Why are we bothered about gateways? Shouldn't we be bothered about the size of the project first!
Does gilbert update every 2 weeks?
How do I obtain the amount of new holders info?
Why does a operating system need tokenization?
No I've read that before I'm just wondering couldn't this all be done without the tokens? And if so why hasn't it?
Do we think XRP winning case could shift us out of crypto down trend?
Isn't this already answered by gilbert and papers to back it up?
What time is kraken open? Is it 3.30 uk time?
Agreed. Is there an angle we think quant could go down that hasn't already been covered in this group?
With regards to staking will we have to keep are quant locked up for 12 months? And will the amount paid for staking be paid in quant?
I'm new to quant so forgive me if I seem naive. But I was going to ask will our quant be used in the network or do I have to submit my quant to be used?
Why are you so bothered about gateways if the price of the coin rockets because of utility? Let them get it right
Do we know if by any chance quant is involved in the United kingdom military?
When is the last time Gilbert spoke to anyone within this group?