why hex dumping?
why would you spend $300,000 on a watch even if youre filthy wealthy?
dump quick?
do you guys think if i bought some more now that it may possibly be included on the pulsechain fork?
"Why don't you listen to the system regulating the OA tokens? This is integral to understanding long run decision-making structure of the centralized economic elite directed w...
is this a fake room?
why does coinmarketcap and coingecko have different market caps?
still... how do you swing trade this stuff? gas fees???
whos excited for PulseX sac to end?!?
wheres all my Hexican girlfriends?
testnet v21?
wheres that dude that said that Hex is a ponzi scheme?? guess what? the us economy is a ponzi scheme
what the hex is hex doing?
yeah why would you ever sell hex rn?
like whats happening?
is Hex dead?
when is the airdrop????
over 26 million sacced?
did you stake anything yet?