is there a giga-brain response to this tweet?
There needs to be a separate vote for staking rewards/bribes. But I guess it’s clear there will be staking rewards bc that’s essentially what cvxfxs is? LP rewards
why will ppl be mad? emissions are halvening
we think fxs goes giga-chad tmrw? :)
If a gauge is added for cvxfxs/fxs, does that mean fxs will start bribing that gauge?
Ah I see, so the current proposal to add a gauge is just the first step?
maybe somewhat related to what the fxs team is building out? idk
how would bribing veCRV work? buy a ton of crv directly?
with all the boolishness, where is the selling pressure coming from?!
any large implications if it's not passed?
how do we think cvxFXS will impact FXS price?
do we know how much aphra is worth?