My wife told me if Fraxlend isn’t released today she’s leaving me… is there hope?
If they were to blacklist that pool they would also need to blacklist all uniswap USDC pools, all sushiswap USDC pools, all serum USDC pools, all raydium USDC pools etc Do y... I’m stirring the pot cousins
With the halving how many FXS tokens are set to be emitted in 2024?
After uni LP rewards end is there a way to ensure that dex aggregators like 1inch, Cowswap, etc route their trades through fraxswap?
Hi @samkazemian currently someone is hacking nomad bridge. Not sure if frax has any tokens on the bridge but just fyi. He drained btc and is now draining eth https://twitte...
With curve launching crvUSD will this be a competitor to frax usage or will there be synergies involved?
Does anybody have sources for all contract addresses associated with FXS burns? I found a dune dashboard but something’s wrong bc it quit tracking burns since Nov 2021
So if someone were to set a buy order in fraxswap rn is that $4.40 price guaranteed or would slippage average it out to approx market price?
Anybody having trouble loading the dapp? Just cleared cache but can’t get the dapp to load to relock my FXS