Hi team long time no speak. Exciting news with Rives 💪🏽. Hadn’t realised the honey pot was over 1million now!!! How high are you planning to let it get?
My thoughts exactly, just a lump of cash sat in some token which is still debatable will ever have a use… even if cartesi is a success what will the token do? A road map and a...
So what happened to ultra chess and poker? I can’t help but think they were the daps that would have gained some interest… not shooting bubbles at each other..
Hello cartesi, Haven’t checked in, in a while. How many dapps are we up to on mainet?
Is bubble wars listed? I can’t find it 🤦🏽
A little nod from etherium recognising the work being done here would generate some interest. Who’s got vitalik’s number? 😂
How long before we will start seeing more dapps released on a regular basis? It feels the take up is slow for such impressive technology, I was expecting developers to be trip...
Hey yea thanks, I just wondered how many have gone live since honeypot? I think there was talk of putting them on the website for users to try out.
How do I find the daap list & status on cartesi website? Has the link gone?
Do you think we will have daaps released and working before the summer?
How many attempts has there been to crack the honey pot?
So on our roadmap to a top 100 coin can we say we are now in an adoption phase or still in a building phase?
Is there a list somewhere of dapps that are live on main net?
How long are we planning to keep the honey pot going? At some point I’m guessing the top ups will have to stop if it’s not cracked..
How’s it going in Lagos? Any more interesting projects? Not gonna lie the calculator didn’t do a lot for me.
At what point are we anticipating more main stream adoption to happen? I'm not mentioning the token price but the market cap surely reflects the level of interest here at the ...
When are we hoping sunodo will go live?
I thought you guys where gonna work on a more visible road map so we can see what direction we are heading?
Branding a looking great and site also looks amazing but when is the honey pot going live ??? 🤪
How many dapps are currently on mainet? Is it just the honeypot?