Best pair to sell hex in pulsex app these days?
Does anyone know the hexadecimal color codes for the hex logo 🤔 or at least know the names of the colors?
What's the best hex pair on pulsex to sell and cash out?
So what is everyone doing with their HEX on ethchain?
Is the hex front-end for ethereum mainnet still working? Can't get stakes to load. "Loading data" for hours.
Thanks guys. One last question, can we bridge the stakes? If not will there be plans to do this or are they stuck on ethchain until we endstake them?
Where can we find pls and hex prices?
All that time and won't link to pulsechain. Isn't staking hex the whole fucking reason pulse was built?
What is the HEX t-share daily reduction rate for new stakes?
Anyone know if the creator is going to update his site for hex stakes on Pulse?
anyone know where i can find the hex layman's guide?