some suggestions which I am still waiting for: -changing Reef's description in binance, and creating a perfect description -changing Reef Finance name in binance (once upon a...
good morning, Why Reef giveaway shows 7 days left ? Yesterday it was showing 30 hours left 🤔
Hello guys, has apy rates decreased I recieve less than usual amount of Reef for last 2 days? 😄
hello evb how decision should be based while choosing my validator to nominate?
in dashboard my balance gets stuck at loading is it just me ?
hello how do we recieve rewards while staking via reef.js? at the end of 1 month ? or after every 24 hours ?
I wonder one thing if binance brings staking for Reef, wouldn’t it cause more inflation ? because more people will stake?
if reef team decides to limit supply again is there any possibility for being able to do it or there is no turning back?
hello guys my reef.js stays white when I click it, does anyone else have that problem?