So we back on CoinMarketCap?
Can I sent erc20 omi from exchange to the omi wallet?
Is it true when i stake $1000 just for in app benefits. But when omi rises you dont get the profits?
So the cheapest way is just buy omi on metamask right? Now I have to send omi from exchange first to metamask then bridge the sent to veve app
Is bitmArt omi L1 or L2?
Thanks another question. If I stake $1000 and fast track $250 im going to tier2 . Do i have acces to the omi drop raffles. Or do I have to stake the $5000?
Oh so only before the migration right. So how about withdrawal my omi from the app also not possible?
Can I withdraw my omi from exchange bitmart to the ?
Can I withdraw my omi on the veve app to a exchange?
So my omi on te is L2 right?
Can I withdraw omi from bitforex too veve app?
Wen migration?