My question is simple how dent is more benefit with launching of Dentnet ?
Total how many SKL stake?
Skale token only found on etherium Blockchain permanently?
My question is now dent main token is dent or dentx?
@Stevo123 bro I have one question with launch of Dentnet main benefit is dentnet or dentx?
Dentx is on the ecosystem of DENT or separate project?
Skl can be stored in ledger?
Supply vesting schedule?
Target of SKL?
Any negative impact coming on the Dent due to launching of DENTX?
When dentnet launch?
@thomas7646 usecase token is Dent or dentx?
It is possible transfer skale token from etherium Blockchainn to binance?
Why dentnet did not come in 2nd quarter?
On binance SKL staking ratio?
After the launch of Dentx this group and telegram name will be remanme to Dentx?
if I want to transfer SKL token from ether blochain to Skale blochainin then possible without gas fee ?
Dent token is going to be eliminated?
Chaingpt block explore found on sakle network due to recent partnership?
Dent token and dentx two different token or dent is going to be replaced on dentx?