Whats up with these people in the main frax group that have no idea what FPIS is and just cry about FXS going down all day? If they believe in frax they surely would choose t...
yo was anything mentioned recently for borrowing against our vefpis?
hey why is venusprotocol twitter abandoned?
wait r the docs out?
hello sers I am token dev can I pls get access to farxtal so I can launch before launch?
how do we know thats not a simswapper?
its not really a partnership though right they're just adding frxeth?
can we just all in the pulled liquidity into a shitcoin? I know a good one
is anyone elses metamask slow af after the most recent update?
can you send me the tx pls? I wanna see whats in the data
no airdrop for fpis stakers?
Sooo the FPI/FRAX LP CVX fud is over?
frax finance token is crv? nice
sers maybe less greedy proposal for ur fxs and use $5m of that buyback to reduce the FPI risk and make it safer?
a frax product with over 50% apr? why has nobody ever said anything??
why give emissions to staked single frax instead of FXS or FPIS? unreasonable
theres an airdrop?
wtf why did that guy just leak the private FPIS pump date from our secret chat?
"yo we charge this much cause people really like buying tokens we wrote about" so like why wouldnt you just buy and post about it?