How can I check that my locked coti is not set to renew when locking period ends?
There is no option to be seen for extended lockup, am I missing something?
If I want to send some coti elsewhere is it only of bridge is open?
I locked my coti for the gcoti program on 17 April last year. In my treasury I only see my coti, when will I see the gcoti rewards?
Should I change?
Why aren't the admins addressing bridge transaction that has been waiting for months? This is really worrying considering I have a transaction waiting too
Sorry for repeatedly asking the same question... If I deposit stake and I then add more do I pay deposit fees again? I can't seem to get answer to this
If you use X2/3/4 and price goes down, does your stake lower as well or is it the same until it gets liquidated?
If there is a bridge stuck transaction do we just wait or how do we report it?
Is anybody else having trouble accessing viper?