I’m a bit confused what’s going on, is this an ftx type situation?
Have people been able to exchange BNB-WXG 1:1 with BNB after the “successful audit”?
Have they stopped doing WXG token buybacks with fees?
Dear Waves admin, why does USDC-WXG show up as only $0.14 usd on my dash board? Is this a bug?
So the DAO decided that WXG tokens should not be brought back to peg?
Hi waves team, how long does an ERC20 withdrawal take to process usually? Mine is in progress for a few hrs already.
Is this $50/day buyback legit? Last time I saw they were burning approx $20k wxg tokens at a time.
Ok so that’s good news for WX users? They can withdraw WBTC-WXG and convert to BTC without incurring heavy losses?
Why did they stop burning?
Dear Waves team, the algo trading for ETH seems to be going well. Keep up the good work! Is there some reason for the improved performance? Is it more stable now?
Has waves given up on the algo trading strategies?
Is the waves website down?