а вам для чего? Прост кейс какой то оторванный от реальности)
получается если много, там пагинация будет?
@blahdieblah do you need?
I am a bit late, do you plan do add multiple pairs for pepe stables? I mean there is gonna be e.g. waves/usdt-erc20, waves/usdt-bsc, waves/usdt-polygon etc? Or you will someho...
from where 50k nsbt come?
So is it a fake eagle?
А что за либа 3 версию подставляет?
there is a rule that if you stake SURF now you will receive gNSBT in 2 weeks, so is this applied for power drop?
rebalancing for custom pools?
@deemru, как то можно посмотреть метаданные об ассете на w8? Знаю что есть только топ 1000 балансов
how to short volume?
So, another finelized pool?
Guys, are you bots? You came to chat every day in same time and talking about nothing related to Neutrino (especially you talking about scammers, scroll up several days you un...
how much was distributed totally?
@vlzhr, btw somebody is doing audit for puzzle contracts? Like deemru maybe...
Admins, I see that according this article https://docs.neutrino.at/control-logic-updating-price#off-chain-oracles oracles are off-chain. Is code of these closed or public? Is ...
Could team add exact number of gNSBT voted for each option? Checking wavesexplorer is boring
what is a purpose to do forks?
Will new version of Neutrino be in testnet?