Currently I stake my Coti at 4x multiplier. Since my reward will only be given 1x multiplier, can I claim it and restake it at 4x multiplier so my APY will be higher than the ...
Hi, just to check if I extend my lock period, will my health factor restart at 1.33?
I just staked my coti in Treasury for 4x multipier without locking period. If the health factor drop, can I just withdraw my staking instead of depositing more Coti to increas...
Can I have the link the for announcement channel? I really didn't aware of the grace period
So my rewarded will be compounded and rewarded based on 4x multiplier?
May I know how to send Coti from Binance platform to Cotipay?
Do I need to do anything ?
Positive news on the Russia Ukraine war?