Who hold 13b worth of hex?
General question: thoughts on nfts, good investment or not?
Did the OA just sacrifice in pulsex?
Price prediction for hex end of 2022?
How much HEX was in OA of total supply?
Would you switch your hex for phex?
Any wallets better than MM?
Pulsex is a coin you get and you can swap it for any ERC20 copied coin, correct?
Speaking of hex. Do you recommend to hold and stake or sacrifice?
Can Coins on MM be stolen if you connect to a website?
Why isnt hex moving up in price too?
Flash sale?
Did the peter schieff debate take place?
Is hex dead?
For experienced hex holders, did the price behave this way before? Go down to 0.14 and went up after?
Boys whats the best way to liquidate some hex without paying the high gas fees?
“Increasing coin scarcity”? And increasing coin inflation. That makes no sense 🧐
Whats wrong with hex. Not moving ip at all when the market gains and drops when the market drops?
Is there a way to check my staking without having to connect wallet?
The shiba inu airdrop on pulsechain how does that work?