Hey, whats the reason for the massive HEX dump? Team is selling??
Okey fine, launch in 2025, nice And what’s with the company with over 900 stores? And more than 4 months ago was already asked several times what is with Bitpanda and why y...
Daniel mansi wrote this on Twitter on 18.04.23: Nicoswap announcement and release We expect all this by the next 60 days approx, then we can celebrate! Stay tuned @Markcm1...
3 weeks to go until launch of uniswap right?
https://support.bitmart.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051793354-BitMart-Lists-DigitalBits-XDB- 3 years ago? How can that be?
@Mods When will trading from XDB on Bitpanda finally be possible again? For over half a year the team does not care about it