I am running a timer of 1 sec in my app and it will check some conditions every seconds.. and it is crucial for me to have that working.. But in ios release build it is stop w...
Anybody did live activities in flutter ios recently? I am getting error
Has anyone integrated websocket? When I am trying to connect I am getting error like WebsocketExcpetion: HttpException: Connection closed before full header was recieved. Doe...
I have two tabs and one piechart is there. I am changing the data source of the pie chart based on the current tab index. But, the problem is, there is animation when that pa...
How to run multiple emulators at the same time with different screen sizes. Like tablet, small size, big size. Any way to do it?
I want this staggered view to be a builder(dynamic) any way?. StaggeredView.custom is not working
I am using google_place package and I am getting placeId. But how can I convert it into coordinates? Any idea? is it possible in itself or need to use another package?
I am assigning values to the variables in the initState in stateful widget. Can I change that stateless widget?. I mean using BloC?. Is there any way to do the same thing as i...
I have a form with 4 form fields and I have an Icon Button. And I need to change the style of IconButton when the form is validated. How will I do it? It should be automatic,...
I have one doubt. I want to hide bottom navigation bar when scrolling. I have a scaffold and in the body using stack there is bottom nav bar and one list which shows by index ...
does anyone did geofencing before? Or any video or blog which helps. If so, plz share
I fixed it. Now the problem is. I am navigating to a page to make changes. and I need to update the first page when popping back. How can I do this? in bloc
But when I change it to like this. It is not working. In every examples it is showing like this. But it is not working for me. Can anyone say why?.. Pleadee
I need animation b/w changing icons on button click. Is that achievable?. If so, Plz tell how? .
Can anyone share a video link which will work on video_player plugin? I can only use 3 video link which is in github assets for api page. No other links are working... Please...
Is it possible to make this type of list using sticky Header?. If so, please tell how
Using Flutter commands like Valuenotifier is good or bad for state management?. Now I only know that state management only. Do I need to learn any other or stick to it? Please...
The first alert dialog will show. When click on a button in that , it will pop, and next dialog box will show. It is working good. But, there is some black blink coming. In ...
I have a bottom navigation and floating action button which will only be visible in the first page. when click on floating button it push a new page for adding transaction. Wh...
Does anyone know which is the nice pie chart package? If so , plz tell