If you take a loan, only assets that are not in fixed terms are good for collateral. Is the same true for the card?
Hi. Question on the new interest rates. I have 80K in earn at the moment. Mix of BTC and stable coin. I have an icy white card. If I withdraw everything and invest in Nex...
Are there extra admins online at the moment to deal with the complaints? I see messages disappearing all the time
Hey moderators. I have 20K GBP I want to invest. My bank allowed me to transfer 5K and now all transfers to Nexo are blocked for the last week. Any advice?
Hey REAL moderators. Can you tell me where I can report the three fake moderators who’ve been in touch with me today?
For the hodl campaign, does it count if I transfer BTC and use the exchange to buy MATIC which I deposit for 3 months?