how long does it take to enable the option to reclaim USDN from the IDO when it is above $0.9?
But isn't it mandatory to reward those who vote? At least not by the Waves.Exchange team.
Will the option to vote for token listing never end or is it temporarily to start other different votes?
Is this Waves Labs community official?
when will the BNB/USDN pool give rewards again?
Hi, how does Waves Exchange burn $WX?
hello. How much is the commission for depositing at Waves Exchange with a Spanish card?
If Waves.Exchange was hacked, my investments in the liquidity pools would be lost regardless of the maximum security of my account?
One question, why are there two applications of Waves.Exchange (Waves.Exchange)(WX Investi)? Why are they not united?
if they list a tonken through the governance votes, will those who have voted receive rewards?
Well, he's an admin in the Waves Labs group. Doesn't that make him official?
Will the pool that will come out later on Waves.Exchange be through voting?
is there anything known about the launchpad on Waves Exchange?
Hello, is there an article that explains how vAPY works?
@yukatyan Can I ask you a question in private?
Do you have an article to read?