Hello, I have a array with shape (m,n,p), and I want to convert that to array with shape(n,m,p). Which function do I use? In other words, I want to insert second dimension in ...
Hello, I am writing an api using django. I installed myapp in the project, and defined models in models.py, then registered models in admin.py, but when I run makemigrations m...
Hello, how can I install python packages offline?
Hello, I used Google colab for model training, but I had time limitation. Also, I don't have GPU on my system. What minimum hardware features are required for the system?
Hello guys, I wanna save a list of strings in postgresql, but I have a problem in saving lists in django model. Could you help me to solve this issue? Thanks
thanks for your answer! I downloaded winutils and added to system path, and runned my code but there are errors yet😔.(an error eccured while calling None.com.johnsnowlabs.nlp....
Hello, I want to cluster a set of high dimentional data, how do I know what is the best clustering algorithm for my data?? I have tried several clustering algorithms, but I di...
Hello, I use LDA for topic modeling. what is the optimal value for topic coherance in LDA?
Hello guys, could we analyse all tweets in twitter using big data platforms in o(1)?
hello guys, I wrote a multi-thread program in python. I want to make a high-performance program. How to determine optimal value for thread-num with respect to hardware and os?
Hello, I want to use sparknlp library in python, but there is an error(DocumentAssembler). Anyone knows how to fix this problem?