@ecomi_rhys dont you think Its best when You can buy omi in The web app first before bronze tickets? And are bronze tickets in Line with The staking levels we get in The app?
And what does the team have to do when you can buy nft’s with omi? And when wil this utility begins do you think?
I think when utility will start the buybacks are not nessecarry, dont you think?
Is it true you still not can transfer collectibles to other veve wallets?
Maybe stupid question but can I send my omi on omi.veve.me back to bitforex?
Can Anyone explain why collectibles still cant be send to opensea and other places?
Will there be some kind of announcement of epiko regal and ecomi?
Ok so trust has to come with an uodate?
Is bitforex still swap the token to erc20?