Is NSBT back USDN? Or only waves back USDN?
Where could I check the USDN circulation amount?
in the point 3, 20000 a week. 4. 25000 a week. Does it mean 45000 a week?
I could not withdraw my USDC through bsc waves gate way for 2 days. It is only 1k usdc. I asked the staff Scott through chat. He said wait. But I checked others transactions, ...
What is the fee if I use Waves to mint USDN?
Why we have so much USDN. It is because waves pump in Mars. Then WAVES magically convert to USDN. Do you understand now? Did he violating basic mathematical principles? I just...
That means if I have Waves, it is better to sell on the market. Only if the USDN is above 2% of USD, fks 1.02, I could mint to do Arb. Is it correct?
When will launch the new token?
I want to ask wave tech question. If I establish a DAPP, how could I deactivate it?
Only other traders do Arb. They need to get gNSBT. Is it right?
Could I borrow WAVES on platform?
What is a ratio og gNSBT?