No issues with his venture and I hope he can deliver an honest result to would be future investors( if he gets any). But on the other hand, in the next couple months this chat...
Is a new UI for Lattice in the works?
I saw on Twitter that there was some issues with a testnet update ? Not sure if this is true or what the issue was. Could anyone share?
I see chatter on Twitter, but I don’t think I have seen an hard evidence. Is the team dumping their tokens on the community ?
This thought just occurred to me… what revenue does constellation labs have to pay their staff?
Can someone help me understand…. Is the flight program specifically on boarding new crypto related projects/companies or does it also focus on existing large corporations that...
Do you guys hold your dag / ltx on KuCoin or are you always transferring it to stargazer ?
With only 842 wallets staking for DODI do we does the pool get reduced and everyone gets 5k or will we all split the rest of the pool? I see the live rewards says 6k but I’m n...
Has the hyper graph hour been posted anywhere on YouTube yet?
Does anyone know where I can find Wyatt’s blockchain co-homology paper?
With the launch of main net 2.0 and the V1 & V2 projects being on the constellation network, will we need all 5.3k soft staked nodes? Will we need more?
When is the next hypergraph hour?
Did Wyatt ever post the video of the full node running in an android ?
How was hydef ‘22 ?? For everyone who attended in person
Do we know how long Exolix will be on the lattice exchange ?
Anyone know why Brendan Playford left constellation?
Afternoon my friends, how are you guys?