Ok do we still need to manually convert it to ASI then or will that be done by then?
Can I leave my OCEAN for a while after my lock period or do you recommend transferring everything immediately?
https://oceanprotocol.com/dao/ Any idea why this page is down?
I have not been getting passive rewards for several weeks, are more people suffering from this?
When we get our stake back? 😊
I allocated my veOCEAN in another dataset, but I don't see it on the page. And I can't find my farmed OCEAN on the page anymore, I hadn't claimed them yet, will this be okay?
Is this legit? https://x.com/oceanprotocol/status/1770829797372858430?s=20
What was de circulating supply of last week?
I know it sounds ambitious, but is it a good idea to put the videos from the SoundBite challenge in a small database, the fragments of which have already been used? This saves...
Is there someone else who i can talk with about the #OceanSoundbite challenge? Casiana is on sick leave.
When I want to share a twitter link, my message will be deleted. Can someone help me?
Is the OCEAN market down?