Hello all. Is there any news re: locked veFPIS ? Is it going to be unlocked at some point, or was that just for cvxFPIS? I’m out of the loop. Thanks 🙏
Question: when staking on Frax Finance, do rewards stop flowing when the lock expires? (Apologies for what I’m sure is a common question, but it’s difficult to search for ans...
FLE FXS/wfrxETH pools are marked “LIVE” on Frax.finance…. Is it true? I am just seeing the eternal flashing “ • • • “
Anyone having issues removing liquidity from an LP on Fraxswap? My LP position (FRAX/FPIS) is unstaked & recognized, but there is no way to remove.
Is this the right place to ask about staking issues on Frax.finance?
Can we please make this group private? Spammers getting out of control
Fxseth pool = 869% APR ?? How do these crazy spikes happen, and is it worth jumping in?