fxs buyback started?
why admins thinks he can move from blockchain for real finance without license ? will project turn off from police? big risk. and all happy here i do not understand it
you can find his selling here 324k fxs. 0 now left. he lose -8m usdc, 10m now 2m. can buy now https://etherscan.io/token/0x3432b6a60d23ca0dfca7761b7ab56459d9c964d0?a=0x4fef64c...
dev will buy back yet?
Has the team addressed this statement from Techlead?
Why is dragonfly seller of FXS?
Would a better idea for the FXS bought back be to deposit them within the cvxfxs/FXS curve pool (fix the peg) and then burn the LP tokens? This would not only burn the FXS but...
So you're saying every vote to increase protocol owned BNT matched by new token deposits is acceptance by BNT holders to keep demand for BNT reduced?
frax every week buying buying buying. crv cvx coin down down down. maybe no buy for some time is better choice?
any way this can speed to 100%? scenario
I wait every day fraxlend. no fraxlend. when ?
How about staked eth?
https://twitter.com/DeFiDave22/status/1558550393415553024 fraxeth and fraxlend will launch at the same time?
Did the frax treasury claim the CNC airdrop? 10% of the supply was for locked CVX
so many wrong take by industry leader. someone can take this guy?
orcale fraxswap fxs has twap or instant price? any delay?
frax can survive without crv cvx? or
i read fud on twitter.any reply from admin?
automation can remove frxeth to stake sfrxeth for treasury?
many liquidates from fxs leverage?