What do people think the best thing the WAVES team has done to address issues since the price started falling 2 months ago? I know they’ve done a lot so it’s hard for me to ch...
What amount of USDN is backed?
Is the tracker broken that alerts of USDN being burned?
At what price did you start buying?
I believe the proposal you are talking about was to liquidated borrowers of WAVES not USDC/T borrowers. Am I miss remembering?
You do TA. Look at the charts when did borrow stop? What happened next?
Where is everyone? Did they sell and leave….?
Can someone help me understand how it's possible that the USDN on VIRES has a larger market cap than all of WAVES?
How can the proposal get br >1 when there is 880M USDN vs a WAVES market cap of $440M?
One additional question. How do I get USDN from waves chain to ethereum chain?
What price do y’all think it will be next Monday?