Morning. What exchanges can I buy HEX from that does not want KYC? Im looking to buy with pending orders not direct.
Dude 200pls transaction fees? Wasn't it supposed to be cheap? Am i missing something?
If i upgrade my card now will i get the old rates till my stake expires?
how much is left?
and the poor 5555 stakers? what happens to the believers that staked for so long?
i dont know this. how please?
I need them. Why? Because I want the people that are unlike me and rely on cexes to buy
Where can I see the ratios?
I don't understand how i can het eth on pulse and it's another price. Then it's not eth. How does this work I'm so confused?
Thanks and what's WEth? Is that eth on pulsechain?
Anywhere we can see the phex chart?
What's wpls? Is it same as my pls?
Can i add liquidity for pls plsx?
Anyone offering liquidity?
Is 30k pls any good?
Pulse still down?