fell from ~125m to just 35m now?
LENX… presume our devs are not actually working with them and if there was a prior investment it was in a historical context?
Any insight into how the frxwth v2 will impact v1? I am looking to partake in some degenerate decentralized finance strategies and don’t want to have a migration nightmare
rewards in the OHM / FRAX convex gauge appear to have stopped streaming ~36-48 hours ago for me. is anyone else having the same problem? any issues the team is aware of? the g...
hypothetically.... if we ever see a $gOHM fraxlend market (aaaaaaaa, wen??!), how will the interest rate be determined?
Did the frax 23 roadmap ever drop, or is it pending current developments?
Does anyone have a summary of where all the frxeth is?
Wen $gOHM as collateral on fraxlend? Probably $5-10m instant demand there