I just don't understand why they're not responding again... this is a page that shouldn't be publicly available right now and did devops make a mistake by not protecting it wi...
@saoyem https://app.katalist.eco/retirement-table?page=0 this is real (prod) and valid data? and validated by energywebx?
Anyone encountering an error where the unsubscribe button is not found in the app?
and are there any restrictions for those who have earned more rewards during this time than they should have?
I seriously don't understand... who sells at such a price? It's not normal
Hello Why hasn't my worker done cast any votes in any of the pools yet? Is there some kind of glitch or error in the system? Worker Engine is "Online" and all solutions are ru...
If I unsubscribe from a pool that has a 7-14 day delay... will I receive both the stake and the worker node reward during this time? (My unsubscribe is fine, not the exit or s...
@saoyem is there any plan to compensate those who were harmed for the lost rewards?
why see 19. aug in 0 transaction in chart? :O https://explorer.energyweb.org/