I want to create an empty int array and add values to it from a for loop. I even do not know the length of array. How should I do that?
I want to pass the country code as upper case letters. How to convert it there? https://pastebin.com/KUDfW0wa
Ok. Asset is parent of Stock: // upcast Stock msft = new Stock(); Asset a = msft; // upcast Console.WriteLine(a == msft); Console.WriteLine(a.Name); Console.WriteLine();...
What's the reason for existing private methods while I can't call them? Even worse partial methods which are private and return nothing. What's their use case?
So in parameter passed to just be used somewhere else in the method? I tried to change the in int x parameter in the method but it rose an error told that in is readonly. Am I...
Ok. this is not acceptable: void Foo (int x) {...} float Foo (int x) {...} can we use object instead of different return types?