Can someone help me understands how n bands changes the structure of a loan? Say you have two loans. [1] deposit $1800 of sfrxETH and take a loan of $1000 crvUSD using 10 ba...
Does anyone have the factory address for stableswap-ng handy?
has anyone done an analysis on IL/LVR of curve v2 pools? Or really just any analysis on how LP losses differ if the pool's liqudity is rebalancing (so the curve is always movi...
How ingrained is Aragon into Curve?
Wen is hard liquidation hit? If you take out a 89% LTV loan, and 12% of your capital is eroded from liquidation/deliquidation over time, then your loan would be under collater...
May I suggest an update to the UI to improve a user's understanding of the current position of their loan? I think it would help if the left side "LLAMMA Balances" was entir...
did i wake up to sDAI and sFRAX collateral?
doesnt that screenshot show that AMM fees are transferred from the AMM contract to the fee_receiver which is veCRV?
why are borrow rates on the frontend so high right now?
Can anyone call update on the peg keepers?
Would this factory be used for any ERC4626 token? Im wondering which other oraclized tokens would be exciting collateral
in the controller contract, what is the difference between AMM-based fees and borrowing-based fees? Are AMM fees trading fees on arbs, and are borrowing based fees interest f...
BTW, what is max LTV on porposed wstETH vault?
is it how f and g are calculated that causes this?
sDAI soon? 👀
What is still needed for sDAI to launch as collateral?
Launched a new dash for Fraxlend :)
wat is fee setter?
Is there a way to see the seigniorage revenue for Frax?