so @C0rn3j if someone asks about a Python IDE here, can we answer? or we need to know what exactly the rules are? In my opinion this discussion was unnecessary, we are a comm...
For example if you want to work as a python programmer, ask yourself what do you want to do with python, big Data? IA? Apps?
Do you mean an scheduled task? You can use celery or just use a worker in an infinite loop, if today is in between those 2 dates and the last time the function was executed is...
Oh my God hahahaha this discussion is still ongoing? This guy has three different options, let him choose whatever he wants to
Mmmm did you try celery? Is a really powerful tool that let you define a lot of rules to when a task must be executed
Hahahahaha as gamers too? I think there is a meme... 🤔🤔🤔😂