Guys, recently i have debate with some guy about the usage python rather than java. We debate about performance, he says java absolute win in performance cause its static lang...
I want to know what is the best fit for best practice or good convention about RESTFul API. I have an endpoint for adding a dns record [POST] /api/v1/dns/records : add single ...
but the major problem is, our cluster around thousand of worker nodes, changes to the latest version need too much effort, how about that ? thats why our priority to upgrade t...
guys, wanna ask, how you handle a progress over a long running task in REST ? my solution is using web socket, but maybe there is another way ? cause i still dunno how to hand...
Hmmm, a lot of information, but again thanks for the answer. Learn a lot here, so basically there is no problem with python about performance, as long know how to implement be...
Guys, can someone share me refference about designing good API with Flask RESTPlus ? I just search in whole days, but not enough, cause now im confuse about unmarshalling, and...
wanna asking, why people choose bastion host instead a vpn ?
Hello everyone, who ever try use pyvmomi for provisioning in vmware ? wanna ask something
Guys, i have project work with flask and celery, my question is it possible having flask and celery in different system/module ? So flask in machine A and celery in machine B ...
Guys wanna ask, what an alternative way to process data with combine map and filter in one way, so after process data already filtered and mapped ? Thanks in advance
hi guys, any review on this article ? like unexpected impact Thanks in advance
guys, wanna ask, is there any kind of library that possible to make a beautiful print in CLI ? let say like docker cli, thanks
No, just like how docker cli print their info, how can i do that with python ? Cause with only print, i dunno make it look beauty
Hello everyone, just want to know, is it worth it to use object-oriented on Flask ? If yes, maybe someone can share the sample project using Flask with object-oriented ? Than...
Cause my stack old too, and i the maintainer. That article are related to my problem, so any suggestion ?
Hello guys, did anyone have experience using celery worker/beat for automatic aggregation on mongodb ? Thanks in advance!
Guys, i want to store 3rd party password in my database, what kind lib for that ? Thanks in advance
Thanks for ur response mate, so we can say its good if the project is small right ?
I know, but i mean, is it necessary to follow json specification like ?
so the answer only about perspective ?