Hey I need a little help. I am planning to write a chess game in Python using Alpha Beta Pruning. My main aim is to implement the Alpha Beta Algorithm and skim over the troubl...
Hey anyone know why does Python advice me to use 'is' instead of == while comparing an object with None. While using obj == None, PyCharm advices to use 'is' instead of ==. I ...
Hmmm I get you. So, while doing 'is' the Python interpreter simply compares the address of the objects in Heap. Where as for == you have to call the eq method overloaded by ...
Are you a Russian? From what I have known, Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians etc in general are great programmers and brilliant at Algorithmic thinking.
Ok. Is a CLI based program good enough to be put on Resume? 😀
What makes identity checks faster? Can you please elaborate?
Where hash is used for bucketing?